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Jane Goodall Institute China (JGI China)

Website: http://www.jgichina.org/

Coffee varieties: Jane Goodall low-carbon coffee blend with coffee from Yunnan China

Recommended drink:


Every individual matters,
every individual has a role to play,
every individual can make a difference.
-- Dr. Jane Goodall

Support Environmental Protection
From the onset, Arabica Roasters has been committed to conducting business in an eco-friendly manner and supporting humanitarian and environmental protection initiatives. Arabica Roasters founder and General Manager Stuart Eunson is also on the Board of Directors at the Jane Goodall Institute China (JGI China).  His personal views on environmental protection have been central to the development of Arabica Roasters’ corporate culture.
Arabica Roasters contribution and support projects are platforms for R&S groups to focus on environment, animals, and community.

Arabica Roasters GM Stuart Eunson with Dr. Goodall

How to support the Jane Goodall Institute? 
Arabica Roasters three big series coffee donated 10% of the revenue
Jane Goodall series

Our Pledge: Arabica Roasters will donate 10% of the revenue from our retail sales of Jane Goodall series coffee to the Jane Goodall Institute China to promote environmental protection in China.

Arabica Roasters' GM Stuart Eunson accepts Jane Goodall Institute China Executive Director Lei Chen issue The Certificate of Appreciation
Use of donated funds?
Jane Goodall Institute will use the money to the "Roots & Shoots" project, Through Roots & Shoots' educational model, we are training young people to change their attitudes and behaviors at a young age.

Who is Jane Goodall?
Roots&Shoots (www.genyuya.org.cn) founder, a famous paleontologist, Dr. Jane Goodall has been championing wildlife since she first ventured deep into the African jungles.  Now, She is more than eighty. she continues to spread the message of environmental stewardship.
Dr. Jane Goodall is a world-renowned scientist, best known for her pioneering research in Chimpanzee behavior initiated in 1960 in Gombe National Park in Tanzania. During her research she realized that, in order to save the Chimpanzees, she would have to educate the people around the world, especially the younger generation, to respect and conserve the Earth’s resources. In this spirit, the Jane Goodall Institute was founded by Dr. Jane Goodall to support her ongoing wildlife research and to spread awareness about environmental conservation worldwide; the Jane Goodall Institute’s mission is to empower individuals to take informed and compassionate action to improve the environment for all living things.
Dr. Jane Goodall founded the first Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) in 1977 in the United States to expand non-invasive research programs on primates and increase awareness of environment-friendly consciousness. There are over 27 Jane Goodall Institutes offices around the world including China. Roots & Shoots, the largest JGI’s program, is in more than 130 countries and regions.


Roots & Shoots is an international hands-on environmental and humanitarian education program that is about making positive change happen - for our communities, for animals and for the environment. Started in 1991 by Dr. Jane Goodall and a group of Tanzanian students who wanted to make a difference in their community, R&S is now a growing global program based on the principle that everyone has the ability to bring about change.
Dr. Jane Goodall is a world-renowned scientist, best known for her pioneering research in Chimpanzee behavior initiated in 1960 in Gombe National Park in Tanzania. During her research she realized that, in order to save the Chimpanzees, she would have to educate the people around the world, especially the younger generation, to respect and conserve the Earth’s resources. In this spirit, the Jane Goodall Institute was founded by Dr. Jane Goodall to support her ongoing wildlife research and to spread awareness about environmental conservation worldwide; the Jane Goodall Institute’s mission is to empower individuals to take informed and compassionate action to improve the environment for all living things.

The Roots & Shoots Program is the focus of the Jane Goodall Institute in China. Since the office was established in Beijing in 2000, Roots & Shoots has been widely successful in China providing a platform for young people to organize activities outside the school curriculum and participate in environmental, humanitarian and animal protection activities in their local communities.  Since 1994, we have established over 600 R&S groups around China; and all of them are based on a spirit of volunteerism, demonstrating that individuals can make a difference through active participation.

Dr. Jane Goodall spreads her message of “making a difference” across the world. This is also the message that Roots & Shoots is working to spread across China. The Roots & Shoots program came to Beijing in 1994, and established the Beijing office in 2000. The current 600 active Roots & Shoots in China, encompassing universities, middle schools and primary, supported by offices in Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu.

The impacts of R&S are wide-ranging and large in scale:
1. impacted over 60,000 young people, permanently changing attitudes towards the environment;
2. trained over 10,000 teachers from schools across the country;
3. inspired alumni to effect change in key roles such as Greenpeace Campaign Manager, Friends of Nature Director of Survey and Research, or Founder of Green Eyes, a local green NGO.

In 2007, a group of Masters′ students from Columbia University conducted an evaluation of Roots & Shoots’ activities in Beijing. When compared to regular students, the report proved students that joined R&S had:

1. greater knowledge of environmental and animal welfare issues;
2. greater awareness affecting attitudes and behaviors toward the environment;
3. greater compassion for wildlife and endangered animals;
4. more empowered to take action on key issues;
5. more optimistic and confident their actions yield positive community impact.

Roots & Shoots helped strengthen participants’ “confidence level regarding environment-related knowledge,” as well as changed participants’ “attitude and behavior towards the environment". Thanks to Roots & Shoots programs, members were “optimistic and confident…that the initiatives they took in their daily lives to address environmental issues would result in an overall positive impact on their local environment.”

Invest in our students. Donate today by scanning the code below!

Or Visit this website to donate: http://www.cbucf.org/donate_genyuya_cn.aspx

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