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  • Healthy Living - Coffee may keep the mind sharp2014-12-04

    Tag:Healthy Living


    Healthy Living - Coffee may keep the mind sharp

    Reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease may be as simple as a few cups of coffee a day enjoying.
    A new report found that compounds in coffee - including caffeine - can prevent Alzheimer's disease.
    Arfan Netherlands deer Erasmus Medical Center Ikram (MD, PhD) led to the study.
    "Epidemiological studies show that the majority of people, life, people often drink coffee with the decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease, the best protective effect for 3-5 cups of coffee a day." In a press release, Dr. Ikram said.
    Alzheimer's disease is the mental ability as a gradual decline in memory and thinking, progressive disease. It occurs most often in older patients. Symptoms include forgetfulness and confusion.
    Previous studies mainly include fish, fruit, vegetables and olive oil diet and lower risk of Alzheimer's disease linked. This may be because these foods contain chemicals are called polyphenols, which is also present in coffee, author of the report wrote.
    Dr. Ikram and his team also looked at the long-term and short-term studies in the past for coffee intake and mental decline. Past studies have shown that drinking coffee 5 to 10 years of coffee drinkers show a "significant protective effect," the report's authors wrote.
    However, the researchers noted that follow-up for more than 15 years and then study "had a less consistent results."
    The report also examines the influence of caffeine on the brain. Dr. Ikram and research team found that caffeine can reduce the accumulation of plaque in the brain and reduce brain region critical for memory inflammation levels.
    "Coffee is the number of the world millions of people to enjoy a very popular drink, I am very happy to know that moderate coffee lifelong references may have a beneficial impact on the development of Alzheimer's disease." A Erzi Europe Vice-Chairman of Alzheimer's disease Iva Holmerova (MD), said.
    The report was presented Oct. 23 at the 24th meeting of the European Alzheimer's disease.
    Institute for Scientific Information Coffee Coffee sponsored by seven funded the study. Dr. Ikram and his team did not disclose any conflicts of interest.

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