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  • Healthy Living - Traditional Chinese medicine on Coffee2015-03-12

    Tag:Healthy Living


    Healthy Living - Traditional Chinese medicine on Coffee

    Coffee is imported, when the collision of western culture and traditional Chinese culture and Chinese medicine China, how to Coffee pulse! Coffee beans from Coffee tree fruit color, red is fire, into the heart, gas coke bitter, into Escherichia diameter. Of Gan Weixin bitter, fried dry coke. Mellow taste nourishing and soothing effects, can ease the pain, Xinwei divergence for gas, can pass the blood-brain barrier, the treatment of wind heat, headache, bitter table has dampness and diarrhea effect, can cure fever and eczema.

    15 health function Coffee from the Chinese perspective:

    Caffeine of spicy Xiangfang alcohol, easily through the brain blood barrier, to stimulate the central nerve, promote brain activity, so that a more sober mind, lively and sensitive response, plenty of thinking, focus, improve work efficiency; can stimulate the cerebral cortex, promote the feeling, judgment and enhance memory.

    2, strong bones and muscles, waist and knee
    Caffeine can free muscle contraction, increased tendon strength, lower valve movement to increase the sensitivity of the body, improve motor function.

    3. appetizer staple
    Caffeine can stimulate the sympathetic nerve, stimulate gastrointestinal secretion of gastric acid A, promote digestion and prevent bloating, stomach sagging, and promote gastrointestinal hormone, motility hormone, make rapid purgation.

    4. consumer product reducer
    Caffeine can accelerate the fat portions of solution, the faster the body The new supersedes the old. rate, increased energy consumption, help reduce fat firming, also use the Coffee powder take a shower is thermotherapy an excellent, help lose weight.

    5. the dehumidification body
    Caffeine can promote kidney function, expel excess sodium, increase urine output, improve abdominal distension edema, help weight.

    6. promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis
    Linoleic acid Coffee contained, with hemolysis and to prevent thrombosis, enhanced vasoconstriction, promote blood circulation, relieve blood vessel expansion of headaches, especially migraine. Another to promote venous return, moisturize the skin, make the muscle table and restore elasticity, the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

    7.Xifeng Zhijing
    Coffee can accelerate the metabolism of cholesterol, reduce coronary atheroma, reduce stroke risk.

    8. the joy of color
    The amount of the regular drinking of Coffee makes the spirit of excitement, a pleasant mood, put aside the troubles, depression, relieve stress, relax.

    9. Shu lung Dingchuan
    Caffeine can promote the sympathetic, parasympathetic inhibition, avoid excitement of parasympathetic nerve and an asthma attack.

    10. dampness deodorant
    Caffeine containing tannin, can deodorization, remove garlic, meat.

    11.Coffee hangover function
    Drink a cup of Coffee, will enable the rapid oxidation of acetaldehyde by alcohol to become a solution, into water and carbon dioxide excreted.

    12. a day three cup Coffee can prevent gallstones
    For caffeinated Coffee, can stimulate cholecystokinin, and reduce the contents of easy to form gallstones, drink two to three cups a day Coffee men, have gallstones less than 40%.

    13. the prevention of computer group of dry eye
    The report points out, drink Coffee suffering from dry eye probability, significantly lower than the low Coffee drink. This is mainly relevant and purine ingredients in Coffee (purine ingredients in eyedrops can stimulate the glands secrete a liquid portion, so as to protect the eyes). For love to drink Coffee computer group, which of course is a good news.

    14. the pain
    For example, a night without sleep well brought a headache, or temple side due to vasoconstriction caused by pain, caused by these non organic factors of pain, can use coffee to ease, recommended in the morning or afternoon drinking.

    15. anti aging
    Color depth also has a bitter taste, is rich in antioxidant substances because Coffee. In recent years, as long as the antioxidant function of food is popular in the market, generally known as fruits and vegetables rich in A, C, B vitamins in food, as well as the very popular tea in Japan, has been viewed as a health food, is rich in antioxidants for them, a research report pointed out that antioxidants than tea coffee contains 4 times more, can resist free radical.

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