• 阿罗科咖啡培训 - 专业意式半自动咖啡机各种功能调节培训视频2014-07-11


    阿罗科咖啡培训 - 专业意式半自动咖啡机各种功能调节培训视频 专业意式半自动咖啡机配套磨豆机调节培训视频   专业半自动咖啡机水压调节培训视频 专业半自动咖啡机蒸汽压力调节培训视频 半自动咖啡机水量设定培训视频 每次咖啡制作后的清洁工作 Espresso   Cappuccino Art Latte cut 如何做一个法式压榨壶 How to Make a French Press 太妃冰拿铁咖啡toffee frozen ice latte 冰橙咖啡Orange Ice Latte 榛子味咖啡冰沙Hazelnut coffee smoothie 摩卡咖啡冰沙Coffee Mocha smoothie 巧克力曲奇冰拿铁咖啡 Chocolate Cookie Ice Latte 咖啡拍摄花絮 张有待热爱咖啡!



  • Caffeinated Coffee May Reduce the Risk of Oral Cancers2012-12-19


    A new American Cancer Society study finds a strong inverse association between caffeinated coffee intake and oral/pharyngeal cancer mortality. The authors say people who drank more than four cups of caffeinated coffee per day were at about half the risk of death of these often fatal cancers compared to those who only occasionally or who never drank coffee. The study is published online in the American Journal of Epidemiology. The authors say more research is needed to elucidate the biologic mechanisms that could be at work. Previous epidemiologic studies have suggested that coffee intake is associated with reduced risk of oral/pharyngeal cancer. To explore the finding further, researchers examined associations of caffeinated coffee, decaffeinated coffee, and tea intake with...



  • 咖啡可以降低死亡的风险2012-05-30


              据一些研究者的可靠消息称,那些一整天至少要喝一杯拿铁,卡布奇诺,冰摩卡,双倍意式浓缩咖啡或者一杯普通咖啡的咖啡爱好者团体的习会你活得更久。          一项通过追踪多达40万个老年人的健康与咖啡消耗量近14年的新研究表明,长期喝爪哇咖啡的人比那些不喝咖啡的人活得时间更久。根据周四出版的新英格兰医学杂志的一份报告,事实上那些平均每天和4到5杯咖啡的男人和女人拥有最低的死亡风险。            这项研究并不能证明咖啡一定能保证帮助人们活得更久。但是这迄今为止最大的分析表明我们不应该将咖啡认定为...



  • 健康- 加拿大敬告消费者不要购买未经授权的任何形式“减肥咖啡”2011-10-27


    OTTAWA - Health Canada is warning consumers not to use the unauthorized product "The Slimming Coffee," which was previously sold as "Lose Weight Coffee," because it was found to contain the undeclared prescription drug sibutramine and may pose serious health risks. This product is promoted as a natural coffee beverage used for weight-loss. Sibutramine is used to treat obesity and should only be used under the supervision of a health care practitioner. Sibutramine may cause serious side effects including cardiovascular reactions such as increased blood pressure, chest pain, and stroke. Other side effects include dry mouth, difficulty sleeping and constipation. Sibutramine should not be taken by people who have had a heart attack, coronary artery disease, heart-r...



  • 健康——咖啡可以降低女性痛风风险2011-10-27


    MILAN – Drinking four cups of coffee per day can halve the chances of gout in women said researchers from Boston University and HarvardMedicalSchool. Drinking 2 to 4 cups decreased the risk of gout in women by approximately... (This full report is exclusive to our subscribers. To read the full newsletter just subscribe. How? Ask info@comunicaffe.com )



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